1,235 research outputs found

    Individual behavior and macro social properties. An agent based model

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    The paper aims at presenting an agent-based modeling exercise to illustrate how small differences in the cognitive properties of agents can generate very different macro social properties. We argue that it is not necessary to assume highly complicated cognitive architectures to introduce cognitive properties that matter for computational social science purposes. Our model is based on different simulation settings characterized by a gradual sophistication of behavior of agents, from simple heuristics to macro-micro feedback and other second-order properties. Agents are localized in a spatial interaction context. They have an individual task but are influenced by a collective coordination problem. The simulation results show that agents can generate efficiency at a macro level particularly when socio-cognitive sophistication of their behavior increase

    Reputational Cues in Repeated Trust Games

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    The importance of reputation in human societies is highlighted both by theoretical models and empirical studies. In this paper, we have extended the scope of previous experimental studies based on trust games by creating treatments where players can rate their opponents' behavior and know their past ratings. Our results showed that being rated by other players and letting this rating be known are factors that increase cooperation levels even when rational reputational investment motives are ruled out. More generally, subjects tended to respond to reputational opportunities even when this was neither rational nor explainable by reciprocit

    Teoría de las formas puras de los todos y las partes en las <i>Investigaciones lógicas</i> de Edmund Husserl

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    La Investigación Tercera de las Investigaciones lógicas (1901) de Edmund Husserl lleva el nombre de "Sobre la teoría de los todos y las partes". Allí realiza un trabajo minucioso con un objetivo: determinar las reglas formales (leyes de esencia) que determinan las relaciones entre las partes y los todos en general. Además está convencido que estas reglas formales son allende todo tipo de particularización material o psicológica. El trabajo reclama para sí la delimitación pura formal de una legalidad válida para todos los objetos en general. En el presente trabajo se desarrollarán las nociones claves utilizadas por Husserl en la mencionada investigación. Se mostrará cómo las partes no-independientes, o fundadas, poseen leyes de esencias que permitirán formalizar las relaciones pertenecientes a los todos más allá de cualquier contingencia material de existencia. Además, se concluirá detallando cómo las apariciones en la esfera psicológica o fenomenológica determinar la imposibilidad de pensar de otra manera la legalidad de los objetos que se evidencia en la esfera fenomenológica.Departamento de Filosofí

    Personality traits and disorders among adult adhd patients: Do they vary between males and females?

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have shown an increased risk of developing a DSM Cluster B (i.e., Borderline, OR=13.16; Antisocial, OR=3.03; Narcissistic, OR=8.69) and DSM Avoidant Personality Disorder (PD; OR=9.77; Miller et al., 2008). Although different comorbidities affect males and females with ADHD (Kooij et al., 2013), gender differences in personality traits and disorders have not yet been investigated. OBJECTIVES: To describe gender differences in personality traits and disorders among a sample of adult outpatients with ADHD. METHODS: A consecutive sample of DSM-5 ADHD outpatients was recruited at the Adult ADHD Center of the “San Luigi” University Hospital (Orbassano (TO), Italy) between Jan 2017 and Jan 2018. Patients’ personality was assessed by Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III; Zennaro et al, 2008). RESULTS: The study sample consisted of 82 males and 31 females. Sixty percent of men vs. 77% of women had a personality disorder ( CONCLUSIONS: Women with ADHD showed a higher frequency of personality disorders and higher rate of Masochistic PD than men. Moreover, the two most important clusters detected in women included severe personality components (i.e., Borderline and Paranoid) when compared with men. Further studies on larger samples should be conducted to confirm more severe personality profiles in women than in men. DISCLOSURE: No significant relationships

    Perturbative and numerical approach to plasma strong lensing

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    {Using two different approaches, we study imaging in the strong lens regime taking into account the effects of plasmatic environments on light propagation. First, we extend the use of a perturbative approach that allows us to quickly and analytically calculate the position and shape of the images of a circular source lensed by a galaxy. Such approach will be compared with that obtained from the numerical solution of the lens equations. Secondly, we introduce a 3-dimensional spheroidal model to describe the spacetime associated with the dark matter halo around the lens galaxy and an associated optical metric to incorporate the presence of the plasma medium. The (chromatic) deformation on caustic and critical curves and associated multiplicity of images is also analyzed for particular configurations